preview written by: Dave Humphrey Game category: Commercial (CD only) Suggested Retail Price: Currently Unknown Release Date: Late January 1996 (or possibly later) Min. Requirements: 486DX2/55, 8MB Ram, 2xCD-Rom, VLB or PCI VGA Card 512-540kb Base Memory, 30MB Hard Drive Space Sound: Aria, Ensoniq, Roland, SoundBlaster, and UltraSound Controls: Joystick or Microsoft compatible mouse.
A plenthera of other features makes DAGGERFALL the most realistic, and
detailed CRPG yet. A detailed character creation system (including skills and customizable
classes), several new spell effects (like polymorph, chameleon, identify, and teleportation), buy
your own house/castle, purchase horses, carts, even ships and travel with them, invest money
in banks and many, many never seen before features are included. The CHILDGUARD feature allows
parents to set the amount of violence and sex displayed, and protect this setting with
a password.
DAGGERFALL includes an improved spellmaker, which allows you make create more
unique and powerful spells, as well as an itemmaker and a potion maker. Some new spell types include
identify, polymorph, shadow, slowfall, telekinesis, teleportation, waterbreathing (for
underwater undertures) and water walking. Also added, is a customizable spell duration
icon which flashes towards the end of the spell period.
When enchanting items, every item has a limit on how much it can be enchanted. If you want to create a very powerful item, you will have to add side effects, such as deteriation, weakness against certain monster types, etc... Some powers you can enchant into item include any spell, increase skill/attribute, increase reputation, repair, etc...
Magical potions can be created similiary, provided you have the recipe handy (the demos potion maker didn't want to let me use it, so I can't give detailed info).
The character creation process has also been greatly improved since ARENA, making
it, in my opinion, the most detailed creation process ever in a CRPG ever. You start off
by picking the character's race by choosing a province (8 possible races), followed by the
tradition gender (male/female). You are next given a choice on how to select your
character's class. You can either choose from a list of 18 classes, create your own
class, or answer several multiple choice questions (such as 'you find a pouch of money on
the street, what do you do...'). Each of these choices has it benefits, but vetern gamers
will probably want to create their own custom class.
If you chose to create a custom class, you are given a screen allowing to choose all your characters attributes (8 different, strength, speed, etc..), skills (like sword, spell types, thief skills etc...), advantages/disadvantages (immunity to certain affects, vulernable to certain effects/monster types, etc...) and reputations (what each basic NPC group intially thinks of you). The attributes intially all start out at 50, and can changed anywhere from 4 to 200, although you must balance out the pluses, and minuses (ie, if you raise strength by 10, you must decrease other attributes by a total of 10 as well). You can choose 3 primary, 3 major skills (you will get better at these the quickest), and 6 minor skills. You can also choose how many hit points you can possibly get each level. This can range anywhere from 4 to 30, but it changes how long it takes you to reach the next level. Advantages and disadvantages also affect the difficulty/ease of leveling. Reputations initally start at neutral, and must be balanced as the attributes.
After selecting the characters class, you are given several 'bonus points' to distribute as you wish, giving you even more choice on how to begin. You can distribute these points manually, or answer 12 multiple choice questions to determine your background. DAGGERFALL creates for you a character history, depending on which skills/attributes you have selected (ex, if you have a good skill with the axe and dodging it might come up with something like 'Sometime as a youth, you learned how to use the axe, and you used your speed to dodge many a deadly blow').