Derf's Daggerfall Quest Locator Version 0.2 for WIN95 Copyright May 1997 by Fred Chlanda USING THIS PROGRAM IS CHEATING AND MAY RUIN A LOT OF THE FUN OF Daggerfall. This program must be started from the main Daggerfall directory. DDQL will frequently help locate the object of a quest in a dungeon, giving both direction and distance to the object. When started, the names of saved games will appear in the upper right listbox. Choose one by clicking on it. A list of possible objects in that save game can be found by clicking the Find Items button. If this is done on a game saved immediately after entering the dungeon, the list should be quite small but will get longer as objects, e.g. on dead monsters, accumulate in the dungeon. Clicking on the object in the Possible Quest Items box will transfer it to the search box. Alternatively, a few letters can be typed directly into the Search box. (This is case sensitive!). Once the search item is entered, pressing the Search button will look for the item. The full name will be listed under the search box, e.g. if search is "Long" then "Longsword", "Long shirt" etc will appear. The compass will point toward the object and the distance in the North-South, East-West and Up-Down directions will be given. (Hint, levels are 256 units and quest items are frequently a little above an even level, e.g. 540 instead of 512.) Pressing the Again button will search farther in the file for the Quest Item. Have fun! Derf of Cayuga (Send comments to