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Site History

09 February 2011

This page lists a brief history of the site and my experience with the Elder Scrolls game series. More information about the site can be found on the Site Info page. Note that some, or many, of these dates are approximate and only my best guess.

Fall, 1992
In my first term at University I'm introduced to Might$amp;Magic III, my first 'modern' CRPG, and instantly fall in love with it. It all goes downhill from there..;)

Summer, 1994
Bought my first computer, a top-of-the-line 486, 66 MHz, 8 MB RAM, 300 MB hard drive.

Fall, 1994
I see Arena for the first time on a friends computer and an instantly hooked. I remember the scene was at night with snow falling. The graphics completely blew away any other game I'd seen up to that point.

Winter, 1995
I buy Arena, the second game I ever bought (Doom was the first). I get even more hooked. Since I'm well on the internet (BBS, Usenet) by this point I hear about the sequel, Daggerfall. Text FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) were big on Usenet at the time so I decided to start one for Daggerfall, in early developement at the time. The FAQ quickly becomes popular and two other people join up in the writing of it.

Summer, 1995
The WWW starts to become popular to the general populace so the text Daggerfall FAQ is also released in HTML form on a small website ( Shortly after, one of the other contributors to the DF FAQ suggests making a general site dedicated to all Elder Scrolls games. The choosen site name seems obvious and the site is born.

Winter, 1997
I'm unsure of the exact date, but at some point my website provider ( decided to start charging for bandwidth and being a lowly student, unable to spare the extra cash, I moved over to a donated site at

Winter, 1999
Again, I'm unsure of the exact date, but I was offered to join the sites on the server which provided a great home for many years.

January, 2004
I finally setup an alternate/mirror site with my own domain at since m0use has been having downtime problems. While I have to pay for the site, since I have a good job the little money required isn't a problem.

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This document was last modified on: Wednesday, 09 February 2011, at 21:22:00 and has been accessed 5343 times ( /esphistory.shtml ).

Please note that this site is Completely Unofficial and is in no way connected to Bethesda softworks or Zenimax. Bethesda Softworks, Battlespire, XnGine, Morrowind, Redguard, Daggerfall, Arena and The Elder Scrolls are trademarks of Media Technology Limited, Copyright © 1994-2001 Media Technology Limited.