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Daggerfall:Dragontail Mountains/Dungeons
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Name | Type | Dungeon Modules |
Corranoth's Tomb | Crypt | 12 |
The Slojin Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Gig Plantation | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Flurt-si Coven | Coven | 10 |
The Mines of Klostir | Mine | 13 |
The Kornten Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Old Nhornki's Shack | Natural Cave | 11 |
The Demodoth Cave | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
The Stafylin Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Saolpom's Hold | Natural Cave | 8 |
Castle Nhircte | Mine | 8 |
The Quarry of Khegem | Mine | 12 |
Inverivaus's Barrow | Crypt | 8 |
The Quarry of Caallam | Mine | 10 |
The M'ell Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The House of Barimar | Vampire Haunt | 10 |
The Ras Mines | Mine | 8 |
The Quarry of Tarur | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of Castle Kluct | Crypt | 8 |
The Masoleum of Lithivarulon | Crypt | 13 |
The Graves of Voshen | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Stronghold of Cyus | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Vormke Tower | Mine | 10 |
Ruins of Fovta Manor | Mine | 8 |
The Sashirdon Nest | Harpy Nest | 8 |
Ruins of Fectan Court | Natural Cave | 8 |
Castle Flarcke | Mine | 8 |
The Sekithoth Aerie | Harpy Nest | 8 |
The Mines of Mhulpen | Mine | 8 |
The Dispuliva Grotto | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Sashirrugoth | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Quarry of Fhuzur | Mine | 8 |
The Vlorte Tunnel | Mine | 12 |
The Bluct Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Flillon Court | Volcanic Caves | 12 |
THe Crypts of Rlertim | Cemetery | 5 |
The Saistta Lode | Mine | 11 |
Castle Larker | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Tower Fhormt | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Castle Lhov | Natural Cave | 14 |
Ruins of Old Ghurtti's Farm | Mine | 11 |
The Lujir Quarry | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of V'esh Manor | Coven | 12 |
The Grurmun Excavation | Mine | 8 |
Castle Chuctom | Natural Cave | 11 |
Ruins of The Shrog Plantation | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of The Hold of B'ilpten | Mine | 10 |
The Tomb of Baromius | Crypt | 8 |
Gromegon | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Girhton Hovel | Human Stronghold | 13 |
Ruins of Old Khillba's Hovel | Giant Stronghold | 14 |
The Verhtin Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Lair of Disporgoniva | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
The Rishke Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |
The B'ug Excavation | Mine | 12 |
Choldam's Guard | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The Tombs of Vager | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Tower T'all | Ruined Castle | 12 |
The D'othar Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Flill Ruins | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Lathja Cabal | Coven | 13 |
The Tombs of V'othe | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Circh Farmstead | Laboratory | 13 |
Ruins of Kruste Palace | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Terdan's Guard | Ruined Castle | 13 |
The Hole of Sahiamotha | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Quarry of Khazar | Mine | 10 |
The Kherdke Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of T'elpun Hall | Natural Cave | 11 |
Ruins of Old Maolli's Place | Natural Cave | 14 |
The V'ogom Excavation | Mine | 10 |
The Hold of Stev | Crypt | 8 |
The Demogas Grotto | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Ruins of Castle Khugta | Laboratory | 8 |
The Rlorin Lode | Mine | 11 |
The Shrirchen Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Cerk Court | Mine | 8 |
Rlurpir's Guard | Orc Stronghold | 14 |
Ruins of Caj Hall | Mine | 13 |
The Klefylke Mines | Mine | 12 |
The Baalon Hole | Volcanic Caves | 12 |
The Citadel of Lazir | Mine | 8 |
The Sepulcher of Darkivarulon | Crypt | 11 |
The B'irgon Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Jubatonessa Hole | Volcanic Caves | 14 |
Norlogod's Nest | Spider Nest | 10 |
The Mhastin Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Hole of Geranx | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of The Citadel of Lhojem | Mine | 10 |
The Quarry of Baghten | Mine | 10 |
Ruins of The V'argon Plantation | Mine | 13 |
Ruins of The Garg Cabin | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Abbey of Balilitherah | Desecrated Temple | 14 |
Ruins of Castle Faazer | Natural Cave | 11 |
The Stronghold of Tlestan | Mine | 10 |
The Lair of Homunorgon | Volcanic Caves | 12 |
The Florpke Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Old Khuj-si's Shack | Natural Cave | 10 |
The Slardim Tunnel | Mine | 12 |
The Nurt Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Fhush Pit | Mine | 10 |
T'uch'kern's Hold | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Nigum Shack | Natural Cave | 8 |
Ruins of Rlustir Manor | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The Asmebrorgonessa Cavern | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Ruins of The Mhufyl Farmstead | Coven | 8 |
Ruins of Bull Manor | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Tith Tombs | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Klivom Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Rerkan's Guard | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The Pit of Gerasena | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of The Vleght Farmstead | Crypt | 11 |
The Hole of Jubateus | Volcanic Caves | 11 |
Anphang | Giant Stronghold | 11 |
Ruins of The Old T'irtin Place | Laboratory | 8 |
The V'eshten Mines | Mine | 8 |
Norloth's Web | Spider Nest | 11 |
Ruins of Old Custsa's Farm | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of Dhorchur Court | Mine | 13 |
The Shrifylin Lode | Mine | 14 |
Ruins of Tower Cailp | Spider Nest | 12 |
Darkeham Hall | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
The Thectur Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The D'ith Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Vlesh'kern Court | Human Stronghold | 12 |
The Gravten Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Sashloker | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
Castle Baustrn | Volcanic Caves | 10 |
Grumragon | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
Tower Thorkte | Mine | 14 |
Ruins of B'ozrn Grange | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of Vlastan Manor | Human Stronghold | 11 |
The Hold of Rlirchem | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
The Quarry of Rlifylar | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Sturgta Hovel | Giant Stronghold | 10 |
The Nurpom Pit | Mine | 12 |
The Sord'kern Tunnel | Mine | 13 |
Ruins of Nurmam Manor | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
The Hole of Baalucherunah | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Hold of Shrofylte | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of Raertim Manor | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of Chirtir Hall | Mine | 8 |
The M'ivi Cabal | Coven | 10 |
The Thash Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Tower Sarnum | Mine | 8 |
The Lorchom Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Sahorgonena Hollow | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of B'old Hall | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of Raortir Hall | Crypt | 8 |
The Cavern of Baalulithessa | Volcanic Caves | 12 |
Gerne Tower | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
The Yagtor Aviary | Harpy Nest | 12 |
The Lair of Marebrer | Natural Cave | 13 |
Ruins of Luldt Manor | Mine | 8 |
The Hole of Demorgon | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
The Shifylam Mines | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of Mhusun Grange | Crypt | 12 |
THe Crypts of Sish | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Grirun Court | Natural Cave | 13 |
Ruins of Old B'aldja's Farm | Natural Cave | 12 |
Velodred | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
Hezgaus | Orc Stronghold | 11 |
The Cairn of Balthimeon | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of Old Morntha's Farm | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of The F'uth Farmstead | Natural Cave | 13 |
The Mhurk Quarry | Mine | 13 |
The Grirmin Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Pit of Marodas | Volcanic Caves | 10 |
Castle T'eze | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Khurtam Hovel | Mine | 13 |
Ruins of Fhern's Guard | Giant Stronghold | 13 |
Glaldin Tower | Mine | 8 |
The Krilp Excavation | Mine | 8 |
The M'achon Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Thasher Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Bisar's Guard | Laboratory | 12 |
Ruins of Festen Grange | Natural Cave | 14 |
The Rauzt Excavation | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of V'uctt Manor | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
The Cyoch'kern Quarry | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of Stort Hall | Mine | 8 |
Skulrarugoth's Web | Spider Nest | 10 |
The Quarry of Faichim | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of The Rishin Farmstead | Mine | 13 |
D'othar's Guard | Ruined Castle | 13 |
Ruins of Rarhtim Manor | Mine | 14 |
The Flernt Burial Ground | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Gloste Hall | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Ruins of The Old Mhefylon Hovel | Mine | 11 |
D'urdem's Hold | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Old Faorchtha's Hovel | Mine | 8 |
The Bish Mines | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of The Tower of Saurt | Ruined Castle | 11 |
The Demorgona Cavern | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Pit of Sahoth | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Faelpan Tombs | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Cairn of Necromulan | Crypt | 13 |
The Fortress of Grurk | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Fhechun Manor | Mine | 10 |
The Mines of Fhict | Mine | 10 |
The Tombs of Theght | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Crypt of Magnivus | Crypt | 12 |
B'urar's Guard | Mine | 8 |
The Raarcom Lode | Mine | 10 |
Maelinxessa's Den | Dragon's Den | 8 |
V'ifyl's Guard | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The Bluldem Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Lair of Jubileusia | Natural Cave | 14 |
Ruins of Raillir Manor | Natural Cave | 11 |
THe Crypts of Khigte | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Mirdur Farmstead | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
The Citadel of Raos | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
The Cavern of Morkitherulla | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of The Citadel of Char | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Ruins of The Tower of Vujan | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Ghafylen Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Slajrn Farmstead | Coven | 8 |
Ruins of Sharn Manor | Volcanic Caves | 12 |
Saorkan's Guard | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
Ruins of Nich Orchard | Laboratory | 11 |
Ruins of Fhurkan Grange | Natural Cave | 10 |
The Nazam Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Asmeborgon Hollow | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Scourg Barrow | Crypt | 22 |
The Graves of Terkten | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Grushrn Farmstead | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of Castle C'ostrn | Mine | 11 |
Ruins of The B'ith Farmstead | Crypt | 8 |
The Morkorgoniah Cavern | Natural Cave | 11 |
The Marothiah Cavern | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of Cyifylun Manor | Prison | 10 |
Ruins of Old D'oghtsa's Farm | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
Castle Grish | Barbarian Stronghold | 13 |
THe Crypts of F'aghtan | Cemetery | 5 |
Cestem's Hold | Mine | 12 |
The Cushke Burial Ground | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Pit of Dispuagex | Natural Cave | 10 |
Ruins of Blos's Guard | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of The Old Fhistun Hovel | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The Demulullah Cave | Volcanic Caves | 12 |
The Blir Burial Ground | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Boorche's Guard | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Azlas | Orc Stronghold | 8 |
The B'ast Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Kherhtom's Guard | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Grave of Marquis Garomezzar | Crypt | 13 |
The Baillke Tunnel | Mine | 8 |
Nern Laboratory | Laboratory | 8 |
Ruins of Shrarkon Palace | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Fhorkja Assembly | Barbarian Stronghold | 10 |
Ruins of Chethir Manor | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
The Rluct Tunnel | Mine | 12 |
The Hold of Cird'kern | Human Stronghold | 13 |
The Pit of Gerorgona | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
The Hole of Demebrorgon | Natural Cave | 13 |
The V'erpke Burial Ground | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Glast Manor | Crypt | 13 |
The Maelilorgonunah Hole | Natural Cave | 12 |
The Cevan Quarry | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of Old Kurg-e's Hovel | Mine | 8 |
The D'aghtun Academy | Laboratory | 12 |
The Graves of Rlafylta | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Star Orchard | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Blermten Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Castle M'ellam | Mine | 8 |
The Murcke Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Tower of Glashke | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
The Lhactim Tunnel | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of The Rirhter Cabin | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of The Vethun Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Grison Quarry | Mine | 8 |
The T'ocht Ruins | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Castle Lhurd | Coven | 14 |
Raortar Tower | Laboratory | 12 |
The Stronghold of Maectt | Natural Cave | 14 |
Ruins of The Citadel of Ghocher | Human Stronghold | 14 |
Castle Rashon | Volcanic Caves | 8 |
Tower Bausur | Natural Cave | 8 |
Ruins of Caacte's Guard | Mine | 10 |
The Tombs of Birden | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Cell Manor | Volcanic Caves | 13 |
Ruins of The Vlorcun Farmstead | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of The Rhorker Farmstead | Human Stronghold | 13 |
The Fortress of Rairur | Natural Cave | 10 |
The Caushem Crypts | Cemetery | 5 |
The Lhuct Excavation | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of The Krarpen Farmstead | Dragon's Den | 12 |
The Cyujrn Excavation | Mine | 8 |
Tower Rhoston | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of T'orch Palace | Volcanic Caves | 10 |
Ruins of Fhart'kern Hall | Natural Cave | 13 |
Trogudon | Giant Stronghold | 12 |
The Hole of Demileusessa | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of Berdar's Guard | Mine | 8 |
The Veugod Web | Spider Nest | 13 |
Ruins of Narcun Manor | Mine | 10 |
The Citadel of T'ichom | Human Stronghold | 12 |
Ruins of Tirtom Manor | Laboratory | 12 |
The Stronghold of Fharcte | Mine | 12 |
Ruins of The Fortress of Kallir | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of Gristum Hall | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of Rlaj Grange | Crypt | 11 |
Ruins of Fulp'kern's Hold | Natural Cave | 8 |
Lhujum's Guard | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Dispas Grotto | Natural Cave | 8 |
Ruins of The Durp Farmstead | Mine | 12 |
The Fortress of Nhestom | Mine | 8 |
The Caozir Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Fird Manor | Mine | 14 |
The Gart Quarry | Mine | 8 |