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Daggerfall:Dragontail Mountains/Dungeons

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Name Type Dungeon Modules
Corranoth's Tomb Crypt 12
The Slojin Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Gig Plantation Giant Stronghold 8
The Flurt-si Coven Coven 10
The Mines of Klostir Mine 13
The Kornten Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Nhornki's Shack Natural Cave 11
The Demodoth Cave Volcanic Caves 8
The Stafylin Cemetery Cemetery 5
Ruins of Saolpom's Hold Natural Cave 8
Castle Nhircte Mine 8
The Quarry of Khegem Mine 12
Inverivaus's Barrow Crypt 8
The Quarry of Caallam Mine 10
The M'ell Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The House of Barimar Vampire Haunt 10
The Ras Mines Mine 8
The Quarry of Tarur Mine 12
Ruins of Castle Kluct Crypt 8
The Masoleum of Lithivarulon Crypt 13
The Graves of Voshen Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Stronghold of Cyus Human Stronghold 8
Ruins of Vormke Tower Mine 10
Ruins of Fovta Manor Mine 8
The Sashirdon Nest Harpy Nest 8
Ruins of Fectan Court Natural Cave 8
Castle Flarcke Mine 8
The Sekithoth Aerie Harpy Nest 8
The Mines of Mhulpen Mine 8
The Dispuliva Grotto Volcanic Caves 8
Sashirrugoth Giant Stronghold 8
The Quarry of Fhuzur Mine 8
The Vlorte Tunnel Mine 12
The Bluct Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Flillon Court Volcanic Caves 12
THe Crypts of Rlertim Cemetery 5
The Saistta Lode Mine 11
Castle Larker Ruined Castle 8
Tower Fhormt Human Stronghold 12
Castle Lhov Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Old Ghurtti's Farm Mine 11
The Lujir Quarry Mine 8
Ruins of V'esh Manor Coven 12
The Grurmun Excavation Mine 8
Castle Chuctom Natural Cave 11
Ruins of The Shrog Plantation Mine 12
Ruins of The Hold of B'ilpten Mine 10
The Tomb of Baromius Crypt 8
Gromegon Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Old Girhton Hovel Human Stronghold 13
Ruins of Old Khillba's Hovel Giant Stronghold 14
The Verhtin Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Lair of Disporgoniva Volcanic Caves 13
The Rishke Cemetery Cemetery 5
The B'ug Excavation Mine 12
Choldam's Guard Orc Stronghold 8
The Tombs of Vager Forgotten Cemetery 5
Tower T'all Ruined Castle 12
The D'othar Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Flill Ruins Ruined Castle 8
The Lathja Cabal Coven 13
The Tombs of V'othe Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Circh Farmstead Laboratory 13
Ruins of Kruste Palace Volcanic Caves 8
Terdan's Guard Ruined Castle 13
The Hole of Sahiamotha Natural Cave 8
The Quarry of Khazar Mine 10
The Kherdke Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of T'elpun Hall Natural Cave 11
Ruins of Old Maolli's Place Natural Cave 14
The V'ogom Excavation Mine 10
The Hold of Stev Crypt 8
The Demogas Grotto Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of Castle Khugta Laboratory 8
The Rlorin Lode Mine 11
The Shrirchen Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Cerk Court Mine 8
Rlurpir's Guard Orc Stronghold 14
Ruins of Caj Hall Mine 13
The Klefylke Mines Mine 12
The Baalon Hole Volcanic Caves 12
The Citadel of Lazir Mine 8
The Sepulcher of Darkivarulon Crypt 11
The B'irgon Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Jubatonessa Hole Volcanic Caves 14
Norlogod's Nest Spider Nest 10
The Mhastin Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hole of Geranx Natural Cave 10
Ruins of The Citadel of Lhojem Mine 10
The Quarry of Baghten Mine 10
Ruins of The V'argon Plantation Mine 13
Ruins of The Garg Cabin Ruined Castle 8
The Abbey of Balilitherah Desecrated Temple 14
Ruins of Castle Faazer Natural Cave 11
The Stronghold of Tlestan Mine 10
The Lair of Homunorgon Volcanic Caves 12
The Florpke Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Khuj-si's Shack Natural Cave 10
The Slardim Tunnel Mine 12
The Nurt Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Fhush Pit Mine 10
T'uch'kern's Hold Orc Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Old Nigum Shack Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Rlustir Manor Orc Stronghold 8
The Asmebrorgonessa Cavern Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of The Mhufyl Farmstead Coven 8
Ruins of Bull Manor Natural Cave 8
The Tith Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Klivom Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Rerkan's Guard Orc Stronghold 8
The Pit of Gerasena Natural Cave 12
Ruins of The Vleght Farmstead Crypt 11
The Hole of Jubateus Volcanic Caves 11
Anphang Giant Stronghold 11
Ruins of The Old T'irtin Place Laboratory 8
The V'eshten Mines Mine 8
Norloth's Web Spider Nest 11
Ruins of Old Custsa's Farm Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Dhorchur Court Mine 13
The Shrifylin Lode Mine 14
Ruins of Tower Cailp Spider Nest 12
Darkeham Hall Vampire Haunt 13
The Thectur Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The D'ith Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Vlesh'kern Court Human Stronghold 12
The Gravten Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Sashloker Orc Stronghold 10
Castle Baustrn Volcanic Caves 10
Grumragon Giant Stronghold 8
Tower Thorkte Mine 14
Ruins of B'ozrn Grange Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Vlastan Manor Human Stronghold 11
The Hold of Rlirchem Volcanic Caves 8
The Quarry of Rlifylar Mine 12
Ruins of The Old Sturgta Hovel Giant Stronghold 10
The Nurpom Pit Mine 12
The Sord'kern Tunnel Mine 13
Ruins of Nurmam Manor Vampire Haunt 12
The Hole of Baalucherunah Natural Cave 8
The Hold of Shrofylte Mine 8
Ruins of Raertim Manor Mine 12
Ruins of Chirtir Hall Mine 8
The M'ivi Cabal Coven 10
The Thash Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Tower Sarnum Mine 8
The Lorchom Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Sahorgonena Hollow Natural Cave 10
Ruins of B'old Hall Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Raortir Hall Crypt 8
The Cavern of Baalulithessa Volcanic Caves 12
Gerne Tower Giant Stronghold 12
The Yagtor Aviary Harpy Nest 12
The Lair of Marebrer Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Luldt Manor Mine 8
The Hole of Demorgon Volcanic Caves 13
The Shifylam Mines Mine 12
Ruins of Mhusun Grange Crypt 12
THe Crypts of Sish Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Grirun Court Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Old B'aldja's Farm Natural Cave 12
Velodred Orc Stronghold 10
Hezgaus Orc Stronghold 11
The Cairn of Balthimeon Crypt 8
Ruins of Old Morntha's Farm Natural Cave 10
Ruins of The F'uth Farmstead Natural Cave 13
The Mhurk Quarry Mine 13
The Grirmin Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Pit of Marodas Volcanic Caves 10
Castle T'eze Giant Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Old Khurtam Hovel Mine 13
Ruins of Fhern's Guard Giant Stronghold 13
Glaldin Tower Mine 8
The Krilp Excavation Mine 8
The M'achon Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Thasher Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Bisar's Guard Laboratory 12
Ruins of Festen Grange Natural Cave 14
The Rauzt Excavation Mine 8
Ruins of V'uctt Manor Volcanic Caves 13
The Cyoch'kern Quarry Mine 12
Ruins of Stort Hall Mine 8
Skulrarugoth's Web Spider Nest 10
The Quarry of Faichim Mine 12
Ruins of The Rishin Farmstead Mine 13
D'othar's Guard Ruined Castle 13
Ruins of Rarhtim Manor Mine 14
The Flernt Burial Ground Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gloste Hall Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of The Old Mhefylon Hovel Mine 11
D'urdem's Hold Human Stronghold 8
Ruins of Old Faorchtha's Hovel Mine 8
The Bish Mines Mine 8
Ruins of The Tower of Saurt Ruined Castle 11
The Demorgona Cavern Natural Cave 8
The Pit of Sahoth Natural Cave 8
The Faelpan Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Cairn of Necromulan Crypt 13
The Fortress of Grurk Human Stronghold 8
Ruins of Fhechun Manor Mine 10
The Mines of Fhict Mine 10
The Tombs of Theght Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Crypt of Magnivus Crypt 12
B'urar's Guard Mine 8
The Raarcom Lode Mine 10
Maelinxessa's Den Dragon's Den 8
V'ifyl's Guard Orc Stronghold 8
The Bluldem Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Lair of Jubileusia Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Raillir Manor Natural Cave 11
THe Crypts of Khigte Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Mirdur Farmstead Barbarian Stronghold 8
The Citadel of Raos Volcanic Caves 13
The Cavern of Morkitherulla Natural Cave 10
Ruins of The Citadel of Char Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of The Tower of Vujan Natural Cave 8
The Ghafylen Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Slajrn Farmstead Coven 8
Ruins of Sharn Manor Volcanic Caves 12
Saorkan's Guard Volcanic Caves 13
Ruins of Nich Orchard Laboratory 11
Ruins of Fhurkan Grange Natural Cave 10
The Nazam Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Asmeborgon Hollow Volcanic Caves 8
Scourg Barrow Crypt 22
The Graves of Terkten Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Grushrn Farmstead Crypt 8
Ruins of Castle C'ostrn Mine 11
Ruins of The B'ith Farmstead Crypt 8
The Morkorgoniah Cavern Natural Cave 11
The Marothiah Cavern Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Cyifylun Manor Prison 10
Ruins of Old D'oghtsa's Farm Orc Stronghold 8
Castle Grish Barbarian Stronghold 13
THe Crypts of F'aghtan Cemetery 5
Cestem's Hold Mine 12
The Cushke Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Pit of Dispuagex Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Blos's Guard Natural Cave 12
Ruins of The Old Fhistun Hovel Orc Stronghold 8
The Demulullah Cave Volcanic Caves 12
The Blir Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Boorche's Guard Human Stronghold 12
Azlas Orc Stronghold 8
The B'ast Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Kherhtom's Guard Human Stronghold 8
The Grave of Marquis Garomezzar Crypt 13
The Baillke Tunnel Mine 8
Nern Laboratory Laboratory 8
Ruins of Shrarkon Palace Natural Cave 8
The Fhorkja Assembly Barbarian Stronghold 10
Ruins of Chethir Manor Vampire Haunt 12
The Rluct Tunnel Mine 12
The Hold of Cird'kern Human Stronghold 13
The Pit of Gerorgona Volcanic Caves 8
The Hole of Demebrorgon Natural Cave 13
The V'erpke Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Glast Manor Crypt 13
The Maelilorgonunah Hole Natural Cave 12
The Cevan Quarry Mine 8
Ruins of Old Kurg-e's Hovel Mine 8
The D'aghtun Academy Laboratory 12
The Graves of Rlafylta Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Star Orchard Natural Cave 8
The Blermten Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle M'ellam Mine 8
The Murcke Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Tower of Glashke Volcanic Caves 13
The Lhactim Tunnel Mine 8
Ruins of The Rirhter Cabin Mine 12
Ruins of The Vethun Farmstead Vampire Haunt 8
The Grison Quarry Mine 8
The T'ocht Ruins Ruined Castle 8
Castle Lhurd Coven 14
Raortar Tower Laboratory 12
The Stronghold of Maectt Natural Cave 14
Ruins of The Citadel of Ghocher Human Stronghold 14
Castle Rashon Volcanic Caves 8
Tower Bausur Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Caacte's Guard Mine 10
The Tombs of Birden Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Cell Manor Volcanic Caves 13
Ruins of The Vlorcun Farmstead Mine 8
Ruins of The Rhorker Farmstead Human Stronghold 13
The Fortress of Rairur Natural Cave 10
The Caushem Crypts Cemetery 5
The Lhuct Excavation Mine 12
Ruins of The Krarpen Farmstead Dragon's Den 12
The Cyujrn Excavation Mine 8
Tower Rhoston Mine 12
Ruins of T'orch Palace Volcanic Caves 10
Ruins of Fhart'kern Hall Natural Cave 13
Trogudon Giant Stronghold 12
The Hole of Demileusessa Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Berdar's Guard Mine 8
The Veugod Web Spider Nest 13
Ruins of Narcun Manor Mine 10
The Citadel of T'ichom Human Stronghold 12
Ruins of Tirtom Manor Laboratory 12
The Stronghold of Fharcte Mine 12
Ruins of The Fortress of Kallir Crypt 8
Ruins of Gristum Hall Mine 8
Ruins of Rlaj Grange Crypt 11
Ruins of Fulp'kern's Hold Natural Cave 8
Lhujum's Guard Natural Cave 8
The Dispas Grotto Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Durp Farmstead Mine 12
The Fortress of Nhestom Mine 8
The Caozir Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Fird Manor Mine 14
The Gart Quarry Mine 8