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Quests: written by Hoggwild5

Services: written by ThreeC (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Dragon Guard

House Contents: not written

Unique Dialogue: written by ThreeC

Spells: written by Dragon Guard
Kaushad (kaushad)
Home Town Zainab Camp
House Ashkhan's Yurt
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 21 Class Champion
Other Information
Health 225 Magicka 28
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Essential Yes
Faction(s) Ashlanders Ashkhan(Ashkhan)

Kaushad, a Dark Elf champion, is the Ashkhan for the Zainab Ashlanders. Kaushad can be found in his yurt at the Zainab Camp in the Grazelands Region. Unlike the other Ashkhans, he cares far less of etiquette within his camp, and also maintains significantly stronger connections to the more civilized peoples of Vvardenfell. He is far more intelligent than the Wise Woman of his tribe realizes. He also seems to appreciate having a clever Nerevarine. Kaushad wears a brawler's belt, an expensive shirt, common shoes, expensive pants, a bonemold shield and an amulet of shield. He carries a chitin war axe. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

As part of the Main Quest, Kaushad asks you prove that you are worthy of his attention by killing a vampire who has taken up residence in the nearby Nerano Ancestral Tomb. After you dispose of the vampire, Kaushad will ask you to find him a high-born Telvanni bride before he will grant you the title of Zainab Nerevarine.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

  • Zainab Nerevarine: Travel to the Zainab camp in order for them to recognize you as the Nerevarine.

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Greeting: [If you have never talked to him before and have not received Moon-and-Star] "Welcome, outlander. The hospitality of the open-handed Zainab is always open to travelers."
  • hospitality: "Travelers are always welcome here, outlander. All that is required is that you speak and act with courtesy, and you share your news of the outside world to pay for your hospitality, for a wise chief keeps himself informed about events."
  • my trade: "I do not like to boast, but my people call me a champion, a noble warrior of the Ashlanders. I have the duty of protecting the honor of the tribe in peace and war."
  • news: "Thank you for sharing these tales and rumors. For our part, we have little news. We hear other tribes are troubled by blight storms and monsters. But we are the mighty Zainab, and such things do not bother us."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Zainab Nerevarine[edit]

If you have never met him before embarking on becoming the Zainab Nerevarine, he greets you with skepticism:

  • Greeting: "So. You are %PCName. The outlander who claims to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. You are welcome to our hospitality, outlander. But you must tell us... how can an outlander be the Nerevarine?"

If you ask him about being named Nerevarine, it's very clear he doesn't take the prophecies seriously:

  • Nerevarine prophecies:
    • [If Disposition < 30.] "Yes. We know of the prophecies. We know there are many prophecies, all of them mysterious and obscure. Our wise woman, Sonummu Zabamat, has told her chief all about these prophecies, and given her interpretations. 'A certain day to uncertain parents.' 'The Curse-of-Flesh before him flies.' 'In caverns dark Azura's eye sees, and makes to shine the moon and star.' Standard prophet-talk. Voices and verses. Very interesting. But... true? Who can tell."
  • Nerevarine: "We have heard the rumors. We know you to be the outlander who claims to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. But how could an outlander be the Nerevarine? You must admit... that just sounds silly. You seem pleasant enough, and strong and healthy for an outlander. But excuse me if I'm not disposed to take your demands seriously."

"Disposed" is a hint that you need to raise his disposition somehow. The Zainab's Wise Woman, Sonummu Zabamat, will suggest appealing to his vanity by giving him some exquisite shoes. Should you decide to go with this route:

  • exquisite shoes:
    • [Disposition +40; Exquisite Shoes has been removed from your inventory] "Thank you. These remarkable shoes are... very fancy. Too fancy for a simple Ashlander like myself, But I thank you very much for the gift. It was very thoughtful."
    • "Yes. They are quite splendid aren't they. Of course... they were a gift. I wear them out of courtesy, %PCName. Not out of vanity. I am not a vain man."

Once you have his disposition high enough, he still has his doubts, but now he is willing to give you an opportunity to prove yourself:

  • Nerevarine: "We have heard the rumors. We know you to be the outlander who claims to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. But teach us, %PCName... how could an outlander be the Nerevarine?"
    • Politely steer the conversation away from the topic: "Very well. We understand. We do not wish to embarrass a guest. But we think it strange that you will not speak openly with us about this."
    • Tell your story, show your proofs, and ask to be named Nerevarine.: "Ho, ho! Excuse me. Do not think me rude. But seriously. Do you believe this story yourself? I mean no offense, but you must admit, you are an outlander, and completely ignorant of our ways. How could you ever be our war leader? What sensible ashkhan would ever choose you to lead the tribes? Ho, ho."
      • Ask Kaushad to set you a task.: "Very well. A vampire named Calvario has taken refuge in nearby Nerano Ancestral Tomb. If you are as worthy as you say you are, it should be a small matter for you to dispose of this vampire. There. You have your task. Now perhaps you would leave me in peace for a bit?"
      • Persuade Kaushad that you are the one.: "Skies above! If talk were wealth, you'd make me rich. Don't you ever get tired of talking?"

You can ask him about vampires in general and Calvario in particular and request directions to the Nerano Ancestral Tomb. You can also talk to him about the task again, though not without him playfully chiding you as forgetful:

  • vampires: "Vampires are monsters that feed on humanoid blood. Once they were human like you and me, but they get the blood disease from another vampire, and they become vampires themselves. That's why they still exist. Everyone hates them, yet no one wants to come near one. But doesn't prophecy say the Nerevarine has nothing to fear from disease? So you have nothing to worry about, I'm sure."
  • Calvario: "He's a vampire. A young one, but quite dangerous, of course. As I'm sure an adventurer of your wide experience would know. Probably driven out of his lair by older, more powerful vampires. I would never offer advice to someone of your reputation. But perhaps a visit to the potionmakers and enchanters of Tel Vos and Tel Mora might be in order. I don't use them myself, but they say potions and scrolls can be quite handy in a tight spot."
  • Nerano Ancestral Tomb: "Nerano Ancestral Tomb is to the north. But you are a stranger, and may get lost. Listen. Go west from our camp until you reach the mountains, then turn north and follow the mountains, keeping them on your left. When you pass the ruins of Nchuleft, keep your eyes to the east, looking for an entrance flanked by two trees on the western slope of a hill in the center of the Grazelands. That will be Nerano Ancestral Tomb."
  • Nerevarine: "Have you taken care of this vampire Calvario? No? Really? Did you forget our little talk? You asked me to set you a task, and I suggested you might go kill the vampire Calvario in nearby Nerano Ancestral Tomb. Sun and wind, man! How can you be so forgetful? Is THAT the mark of a great war leader?"

After Calvario is taken care of, he'll be happy to name you Zainab Nerevarine--provided you give him a gift. And not just any gift...

  • Nerevarine:
    • "Well. So you killed the vampire Calvario? Ahem. Well. I will be happy to acknowledge you as Zainab Nerevarine. But... it is customary for one seeking an honor from the Ashkhan to offer the Ashkhan a generous gift as a mark of respect. Because you are an outlander, and do not know our customs, I will do you the great favor of naming the gift I wish to receive -- a high-born Telvanni bride -- a pretty one, plump, with big hips to bring me many sons."
    "Where will you find a high-born Telvanni bride? That is simple. You should visit high-born Telvanni lords and inform them that Ashkhan Kaushad of the Lordly Zainab would do them the honor of making their daughter his bride. Surely many Telvanni lords would be honored to receive such an offer. Consider carefully the many daughters offered and choose for me the finest. Take counsel with my wise woman, Sonummu Zabamat. She knows my mind well in such matters."
    • "When I have my high-born Telvanni bride, then I shall name you Nerevarine."
  • Telvanni bride: "There are preparations to make for my marriage, but everything will be ready when you return with my high-born Telvanni bride."

Once you bring him his future wife Falura Llervu, he finally proclaims you Zainab Nerevarine and hands you the Thong of Zainab:

  • Greeting: Greetings, outlander. Have you returned with my Telvanni bride?
  • Telvanni bride:
    • [Disposition +20; Thong of Zainab has been added to your inventory] "This is my new bride? I am very pleased with your gift, %PCName... though she is not so generous in the hips as I would like. I promise to make her a happy bride, and to do her honor as a high-born Telvanni lady. And, as I have said, I will now name you Zainab Nerevarine, War Leader of the Zainab, and Protector of the People. I must also give you the Zainab Thong, an enchanted heirloom of the tribe, which shall be a sign to all Dunmer that the Zainab have named you Nerevarine."
    • "I have named you Zainab Nerevarine and given you the Zainab Thong."
  • Nerevarine: "Yes, I have named you Zainab Nerevarine. And we will listen with interest for tales of your exploits, %PCName."

After being declared Zainab Nerevarine, should you talk to Falura about my bridegroom and then talk to Kaushad about his Telvanni bride, he reveals that's he's fully aware that his wife is not actually a Telvanni noble. He's not mad about it though--far from it. He even gives you a wedding gift:

  • Greeting: "Welcome, Nerevarine. We are pleased to see you."
  • Telvanni bride:
    • [Ashkhan's Wedding Gift has been added to your inventory] "[whispering] Psst! Outlander! Do not think me such a fool. Of course I realize you have tricked me. I do not mind. In fact, I think you are very clever to hoodwink the chief of the Zainab, and I think that maybe a clever Nerevarine is not such a bad thing at all. Besides, now I am MUCH happier with this fine young woman than I would have been with a stuck-up Telvanni lady. And here is a little gift. From me. Perhaps when you wear it, you will think of Falura Llervu and me."
    • "Indeed, she is charming, outlander. Thank you again."

After completing The Citadels of the Sixth House, you can return to the ashkhan to hear his reaction to your victory.

  • Nerevarine: "Well, %PCName, now you are a great hero, and I am very proud of the part I played in making you what you have become. So thank you for all you have done. And thank you especially for my bride. Isn't she wonderful?"

Meeting with a Wise Woman[edit]

Kaushad is not interested in arranging a meeting, for he feels there are more pressing matters at hand.

  • arrange a meeting: "Will this Argonian make the Telvanni deal with us fairly? Will this Argonian make the Empire give us better prices so that we can feed our people? Will this Argonian give us a place on the Council? Will this Argonian kill the blighted creatures and the outlaws that plague out [sic] village? Then we have no time for this Argonian."