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Assist Lady Laurent in restoring order, and restoring Stibbons. |
Outsiders have apparently unleashed some kind of curse on the nearby Sithis shrine. I should seek out Lady Laurent and see if she needs help restoring order and her beleaguered manservant, Stibbons.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak to Lady Clarisse Laurent.
- Go to the Glenbridge Hut.
- Locate the Stibbons duplicate. (Follow the trail of voriplasm droppings.)
- Speak to Lady Clarisse Laurent.
- Speak to Nisswo Somarz.
- Enter the Glenbridge Xanmeer.
- Enter the Southern Wing and find the pressure plate.
- Enter the Northern Wing and find the pressure plate.
- Speak to Lady Clarisse Laurent.
- Free Stibbons from the Voriplasm.
- Speak to Lady Clarisse Laurent.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Sorcerer Rectavius addresses you
Laurent attempting to free Stibbons from the Voriplasm's clutches
Locate the Stibbons Duplicate[edit]
Follow the trail of voriplasm droppings.
Enter the Northern Wing and Find the Pressure Plate[edit]
You'll have two Stibbons with you. Use the first to unlock the first gate. You'll need to initially leave him behind. Use the second Stibbons to unlock the second gate. To the left immediately on the other side of the second gate is a Dormant Vine-Tongue you can use to collect the second Stibbons before moving on. You'll eventually reach a door which requires you to have your entire party before it'll open. Immediately before reaching this door there is a Dormant Vine-Tongue in an alcove which overlooks the first Stibbons. Use it to collect the first Stibbons.
One of the gates in the next section looks like all the ones that need unlocking first, but this gate doesn't require unlocking. Test the gates to make sure you're not trying to figure out how to unlock a gate which doesn't require it.
In this section you will leave one Stibbons behind before reaching a floor pad lock mechanism which appears to have two pads. Its only necessary to place one Stibbons on one of the pads.
If you need to retrace your steps back through a gate because of missing a step, you may encounter a "problem" where opening the gate deposits you right back on the side you were already on. If so, try moving back a little from the gate. Being too close to the gate seems to trigger the far side of the gate.
- Lady Laurent's pathing may break after returning to the main hall after completing the southern floor plate, resulting in her talk prompt not appearing and blocking the quest. ?
- Exiting and re-entering the xanmeer fixes this.
Quest Stages[edit]
An Abundance of Stibbons |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
I should go to the shrine at Glenbridge and find Lady Clarisse Laurent.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
Lady Laurent asked me to meet her at the hut near the Glenbridge shrine so she could show me what happened to her manservant, Stibbons.
Objective: Go to the Glenbridge Hut
I should talk to Lady Laurent about the curse that has affected her manservant, Stibbons.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
One of the Stibbons duplicates is missing. Lady Laurent wants me to track it down and return it to the hut while she keeps the other duplicates contained.
Objective: Find the Lost Stibbons Duplicate
I located the missing Stibbons duplicate, but it exploded into so much goo. I should return to the hut and let Lady Laurent know what happened.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
Lady Laurent wants me to talk to the shrine's priest and see if she knows how to break the curse that created duplicates of the manservant, Stibbons.
Objective: Talk to Nisswo Somarz
I need to meet Lady Laurent in the xanmeer near the Glenbridge shrine.
Objective: Meet Lady Laurent in the Xanmeer
Now that we're inside the xanmeer, I should talk to Lady Laurent and see how she thinks we should proceed.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
To open the door, I need to command a Stibbons duplicate to move to and stand on the floor plate in the alcove. Simple commands work best, such as "follow" and "stay."
Objective: Command the Stibbons Duplicate
The floor plate seems to have done something, but it didn't open the door that Lady Laurent expected it to. I should talk to her and see how she wants to proceed.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
Objective Hint: Talk to Lady Laurent for Advice
Lady Laurent has sent me with a Stibbons duplicate to find a way to open the main doors. She expects I'll need to use the duplicate to activate another floor plate switch. I should look for the blue fire and make sure Stibbons follows me.
Objective: Find a Way to Open the Main Doors
(The following hints will appear during this stage)
Objective Hint: Look for the Blue Fire
Objective Hint: Continue Through the South Wing
Objective Hint: Find Another Floor Plate
I activated a number of floor plates and an ancient switch in the south wing. I should return to the first hall and see if that opened the main doors.
Objective: Return to the First Hall
I activated the floor plates and returned to the first hall, but Lady Laurent says the main doors remain locked. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
Lady Laurent wants me to explore the north wing and find more floor plates for the Stibbons duplicates to stand on. I should look for the blue fire and make sure Stibbons follows me.
Objective: Find Floor Plates in the North Wing
(The following hints will appear during this stage)
Objective Hint: Look for the Blue Fire
Objective Hint: Continue Through the North Wing
I activated a number of floor plates and an ancient switch in the north wing. I should return to the first hall and see if that opened the main doors.
Objective: Return to the First Hall
I returned to the first hall. I should talk to Lady Laurent.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
Lady Laurent and I need to make our way to the sorcerer's chamber to save Stibbons and undo the curse.
Objective: Go to the Sorcerer's Chamber
Stibbons is trapped inside the sorcerous voriplasm. I need to find a way to take down the shield and get him out of there.
Objective: Rescue Stibbons
I rescued Stibbons and broke the curse. The sorcerous voriplasm is destroyed. Now I should return to the first hall with Lady Laurent and her manservant.
Objective: Return to the First Hall
Finishes quest |
Stibbons is free and the sorcerer has been destroyed. I should speak to Lady Laurent in the Glenbridge Xanmeer.
Objective: Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.