Oblivion Game Data

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Daedric War Axe (0x00035e74)

  • Record Type: WEAP
  • Name: Daedric War Axe
  • Editor ID: DL9ChampAxe01
  • Form ID: 0x00035e74
  • Source File: DLCMehrunesRazor.esp.mod
  • Patch Status: This is a modified, mod-specific version of this FormID. Other versions are: The values from the default version of this FormID are indicated below by "Default", when those values differ from this version of the FormID.
Parameter Value Default
Weight 40
Value 3100
Health 616
Base Item Daedric War Axe (0x00035e74) *
Damage 8 22
Type Blunt One Hand
SCRI TG11SwordScript (0x00014f03)
Model Weapons\Daedric\WarAxe.NIF
Icon Weapons\DaedricWarAxe.dds
Speed 1.1
Reach 0.8
Resistnw 1
Value Raw 3100
Skill Blunt
Levellist Id DL9ChampAxeList (0xMR002737)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
WEAP records last updated 11/01/2011