Note: This page has been moved to the new UESP-Wiki. The same content, just a different presentation.
This page very likely contains outdated information (last updated in 2005).
Your unofficial source since 1995 for all the latest information on the
Elder Scrolls game series by Bethesda. Arena,
Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Morrowind, Tribunal...
9 September 2005
Slowly Moving to The UESP Wiki
The past few months have seen the site Wiki (
slowly grow to contain the bulk of the existing site as well as some new content. I've added a notice
to the top of all pages and hopefully people will start to use the Wiki pages more, and the older static
pages less. The site bandwidth and speed seem to be ok so far even though I haven't enabled any sort of
caching system for the Wiki. I'll continue to monitor the site stats over the next few weeks/months to
see how the increasing load on the Wiki affects things (if at all). If all goes well I'll 'officially'
move the site to the Wiki pages, redirect the main page to the main Wiki page, and post a larger 'moved'
notice on the pages.
Recent Stats
Recent site statistics (rough values given):
Hits per Day: 100,000
Files per Day: 80,000
Pages per Day: 30,000
Visits per Day: 6500
Bytes per Day: 2.5 GB
We've seen a large increase in the number of daily visits in the past few months (from ~2000 daily visits)
likely due to Oblivion.
28 March 2005
The UESP Wiki
Thanks to everyone's suggestions I have setup and started work on the UESP Wiki at It's actually been up for a month or
more as we slowly transfer the original pages to Wiki articles and have been making good
progress (considering I haven't had much time lately). Feel free to take a peek or create
an account and add/edit a few articles if you wish.
12 January 2005
To Wiki, or Not to Wiki
Someone suggested looking at a Wiki based solution
for the site. I have actually been thinking about moving towards a wiki format, though mainly for the Tamriel
section, but expanding the idea to the rest of the site is intriguing. Wikis are definitely more content oriented
than the other CMS solutions, but its not a perfect fit in terms of how I'd prefer to organize things. I suppose
its unlikely I'll find anything perfectly suiting my needs, but I don't want to rush such a major design decision either.
Feel free to send me any thoughts you might have.
Site Errors
I finally realized I have access to the sites error/access logs so I've been going through
them and fixing stuff like broken links, misnamed files, etc...
10 January 2005
Looking for Help...
Thanks for all who offered any sort of help to the site. If I haven't got back
to you yet I while soon (I seem to be way too busy lately).
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Several people suggested I move to using a CMS such as Xoops, Mambo or
Post Nuke (to name but a few). I've taken a quick look at all three, setting
up test sites and playing around a bit. I like the general concept of a CMS
though I'm not entirely sold that they're the right thing for the site (I
could put on my old, grumpy webmaster guru mask on and complain about them but
I'll spare you the agony...for now anyways).
The main obstacle right now in getting other people in to help maintain the site is
collaboration. I've always just kept the entire site on my hard drive, edit pages
in a text editor (GUI what?) and then FTP the modified pages to the site. This method
doesn't work well when many people are editting the pages (I could merge the changes
manually but that doesn't help free any time). Just about all CMSs would allow multiple
users to edit pages but I really don't need all the extra fluff (which is mostly useless
for this site) the systems offer.
What I really just need is a simple document management system that would let multiple users
work on the site at the same time (either with an online editor or signing out and merging
documents). I haven't found anything that fits the bill, though, but if someone has any ideas
just drop me a note. I'm sure I could roll up a very simple
PHP/SQL system that allows online editting but would rather use a free/open source alternative
if there is one.
Of course, I'm still partially open to using a CMS system if someone can just sell me on it.
I'll be continuing to play around with them to see if its possible.
3 January 2005
Looking for Help...
If you're a Elder Scrolls fan with basic knowledge of html or SQL (or even want to learn them)
drop me a quick note. For an idea of stuff I'd like to get
done, take a look at the Future Ideas page. The only
requirements are really just being an ES fan and being able to commit some time (though I'll likely
let you do as much as you want to).
29 December 2004
Merry Christmas and all that
Back from the holidays and into the swing of things again...
International Oblivion Wishlist
A little late, but the UESP is one of several websites that have joined together to help compile a wishlist
for the upcoming Chapter 4 ES game (organized by MoonRider from Adamantytowa Wieza).
So...if you have any suggestions/ideas feel free to Send Them To Me and I'll pass them on.
Updated the Oblivion section of the website
with basic information and some screenshots (nothing new). If you haven't seen them yet
take a quick to see the amazing graphics.
Yes, I'm still alive. The rumours circulating about my abduction by Tibetan monks were highly
exagerated (it was Laosian Shamen actually). All kidding aside, I took a little break from the site
and ES related projects for a bit. Work and Everquest (among other things) have been keeping me
busy but with all the recent Oblivion updates I'm ready to get back into the thick of things.
Future Updates
Getting the basic info on Oblivion up will be my first priority (some amazing screenshots
if you haven't seen them yet). It will be nice for the OB section to finally get some attention
after some 5 years without changes (haven't done much since Daggerfall time). There are also a
bunch of site stuff to take care of (JAVA map isn't working for me and database stuff). My various Morrowind
projects (MWEdit, NIF related stuff, plugins) will likely remain unfinished unless there is a clamour
for me to work on them. I really wouldn't mind putting some work on the unofficial DF engine but
will have to see if anyone will let me...:)
Site Info
The site has been chugging along nicely in my absence. We've passed the 2 million hits on the
main page a little while ago, averaging over 1000 visits a day (over the whole site we're averaging
4500 visits and 20000 pages a day). The traffic really hasn't let up since Morrowind's release which
really shows how well the game has done.
16 February 2004
As usual the winter months are much more busy for me as I'm travelling frequently for work (fortunately towards
the warmer climates in the US). Once I setup (m0use is still dead apparantly) last month I've been taking
a little time to enjoy a few computer games (I really haven't played any games in 6-8 months). Knights of the Old
Republic sucked me right in and is a great combination adventure/rpg game, especially for any Star Wars fans. It
certainly lacks the open-endedness and replay value of Morrowind, but fun none-the-less.
As I get back into updating the site, look for the usual Morrowind updates and hopefully a new version of
NIFTexture and the NIF plugins for 3DS.
Added brief information about getting Daggerfall running under Windows with DOSBox to the
Windows Tips page.
18 January 2004
Mirror Progress
The majority of links on the pages have been updated so they'll work on either or
(for all some 800 pages).
The contact form script is working but most of the other scripts, such as search, are not up yet and might be
a few more days. Feel free to drop me a note if you keep finding any broken links.
16 January 2004
Site Mirror
A site mirror has been placed up at
or since m0use has been having problems lately. The site will
still be available on m0use if it ever decides to wake up. It'll take a few days to upload and setup everything
so expect broken links and display problems for a little bit.
this document for printing (some pages may not display properly).
If you have any problems, suggestions or comments on this page or website, please
feel free to use the Contact Form to send
a message to the WebMaster.
This document was last modified on: Wednesday, 09 February 2011, at 21:22:01
and has been accessed
26383 times
( /oldindex.shtml ).